Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Taking rest

Life has been crazy to the nth degree lately...Laurie is nearing the end of the pregnancy and with that comes the usual discomfort and sleepless nights. And, as everyone married person should know, when your spouse is restless at night, chances are you won't sleep good either...which has been the case for me.

Today I've decided to take some some Crash Bandicoot with my boys...and wipe things out of my mind that have been stressing me. And it's been very nice. I hope each of you take a rest frequently. We need it.

I heard Rob Bell of Mars Hill Church and Nooma Videos talk recently about the importance of taking a sabbath every week. The sabbath refers to the Jewish custom of a designated day a week where there was no work...not even meal preparation! Rob said that he and his family take their sabbath every Saturday. It's all about what they do together. Nothing else.

How much better would our lives be if we'd learn to take a break every week from work? We are designed to's what makes our lives rewarding. But, we're not designed to work ourselves to death.

Take some rest may be the best thing you ever added to your schedule!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.