Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Consistent inconsistency

The question floating through my mind right now is "Does any read my blog anymore?" I know I've been inconsistent. Actuallly, like the title of this post says, I've been practicing consistent inconsistentcy. I was telling my friend TJ the other day that it seems that since I decided to post every Monday and Thursday I've been the worst blogger ever! (Well, next to Chuck that is...)

So here's what's been going on:

~We re-did Austin's room over the Thanksgiving week. The room went from a lovely bland white to a colorful green with brown accents. Nice!
~I heard the best sentence ever used in the English language recently at a gas station. This lady was talking to her friend on the phone and she said, and I quote: "He do do what he do for free." Ebonics at its finest!
~Took last Sunday (11/26) off while the Element Student Band led worship. I have to say, not many churches out there have a student band that is THAT GOOD! Element SMB: You guys rock!
~Yesterday was a fun day. I took a trip with two others (Lance and TJ) to the ATL to do final mixing on our album that we recorded about five ago. The mixing is done. Artwork will be done this week. Good stuff! Anticipated release date? Well, I should have that next week. I'm sure the anticipation will kill you...but it'll be over next week. : )
~We finish up the "Go" series this week at TrueNorth. It has been an awesome series. If you missed Steve's messsage last week, I highly encourage you to your hands on a copy of it. (Which you can do through our website either by clicking on the video link by the 11/19 service or by subscribing to our Podcast which you can do by clicking on the button that says "Subscribe to Podcast".) This week is going to offer opportunities for you to respond to the charge of going "glocal". Don't miss it!
~We've been busy getting ready for our new Christmas series which starts next Sunday, December 10. The series is called Indescribable. Stay tuned for more details...

That's it. Time to finish decorating the house for Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I still read your blog. So you know at least one person reads it!

And your quote from the gas station reminded me of a motto I saw on a septic tank business truck: We DOO DOO a good job!

Paulo J said...

yeah, i've been looking for your monday & thursday posts, but alas. ok, now i've got to post a few more, too. ;) and the title of 'consistent inconsistency' is great! i like to say 'continuously continuing to continue'. as they say after thanksgiving, 'peas out'!