Saturday, February 17, 2007

TNC Hero

I'm going to try and post periodically to recognize someone at TrueNorth that goes above and beyond...a TNC Hero if you will.

Today, I'd like to look at a man many know as our drummer Justin's dad. But those of us that know him know him as Jeff Benson. Jeff is one of those behind the scenes, not looking for any glory kind of people. This guy loves to give and give and give! When you drive up to TrueNorth every Sunday you may notice the signs that are posted that say "Welcome to TrueNorth" or something about first time visitors and where they should park. Those signs are put up by my man Jeff. He also helps set up stuff on the stage, particularly the entire drum kit and anything else that needs it. And then there's teardown. After he finishes with the drums and the signs, he's helping collect trash and locking up the school.

The thing I love about it all is that he does it because he loves the church and believes in the vision of TrueNorth. Every once in a while he'll make the comment to me about how what we do is so good for people that don't like church. It makes it easy for them to come and see that God loves them and that He wants to have a relationship with them that transforms their lives.

So, hats off to Jeff Benson. You'll always be a TNC Hero in my book!


Gene said...

AMEN! Thanks Jeff! And thanks, Kev, for recognizing him.

Brent Douglas said...

I can't get the "Reeeeeeeeeaall American Heeeeeeeroes" song out of my head now along with the voice of the guy from that same commercial reading your blog out loud...

LAURA'S BLOG said...

Kevin, you are so right! Every time I need a hand, Jeff is closeby, ready and willing to help!