Thursday, March 09, 2006

Engaging with God (6 days til Facedown!)

As our countdown continues, I credit my buddy Jay for today's verse...

Jeremiah 29:12-13 | Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (ESV)

I think many of you know verse 11, so that's why I didn't quote. If you're not familiar with it, check it out. It is an incredible promise from God to each of us.

As Jay and I were talking last night, he brought up these two verses. We talked about how this is what it is all about. Our relationship with God should be more than rubbing the genie's lamp and asking for three wishes. It's about the relationship. Think about anyone you are close to. How did you get close to them? Was it through occasionally saying hi and letting them know what you want from them? Or has it been through constant sharing of life together? That's what God desires in each of our lives. He wants us to do life with Him. He wants us to spend time in prayer and reading His Word. He wants us to engage with intentionally draw near to Him!

I encourage you to seek God this week. You'll be amazed at how you find Him in everyday life. And as we gather together next Wednesday evening, we will be seeking Him a community of Christ-followers focused on one thing: lifting up the name of God, giving Him all glory and honor and praise!

I also would like to mention a new addition to Facedown this time. It is called Engage. Engage is a time to connect with God through prayer and scripture reading before the FD service starts. The Bible is clear that we should never approach the presence of God nonchalantly. We must prepare our hearts so we can be sensitive to His Spirit. We must prepare our minds so we can stay focused on the cross of Jesus Christ. And we must prepare our souls so we can join in the chorus of God's glory.

Father God- please place in us a desire to seek You. Let us engage our lives with You this week. Prepare us to meet with You on Wednesday. We are gathering for lift You sing Your praise. It is not about us. It is ALL ABOUT YOU!!! Amen.

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