Friday, March 31, 2006

What a week...

This week has been a roller coaster for me. We started the week on a high. We had our baptism on Sunday (which we call dunk'd) and we also had our highest attendance. Over 1300 people witnessed 34 individuals proclaim Christ as their Lord and Savior. That's good stuff!

Then on Tuesday night, the coaster took a diving plunge. Laurie, Austin (our oldest son) and I all got the stomach virus full blown! I don't think I've ever had anything so bad. So today is Friday and I'm still trying to get my strength back.

Isn't that how the Christian life? We have highs and we have lows. The mountain top is an exciting place to be, but unfortunately the only place from there is down. Then the valley draws us in and sometimes sucks the life out of us. But the only place from there is up!

Paul said, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14)." Sometimes we have to press on through the nastiness of life to reach those mountaintop times.

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

also, we can use those mountaintop times as beacons to look forward to as we have to drudge through the valleys. think of the fire beacons in 'LOTR'. one beacon signaled the rest, and the people were waiting for that signal, which was seen from miles and miles away. when we are not feeling 'very christian', then we can see others' beacons, which then pull us up again.