Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Stargazer lilies

My wife (Laurie) and I have been busy trying to pick out stuff for the nursery. After three boys, picking stuff for a girl is a world rocking activity! we found this pattern of crib bedding that we really like called Stargazer. It's a beautiful pattern. As we looked at it and came back to it and then looked longer, the thought occured to me...what is a stargazer lily? I like the name. So I googled for pictures, and this is what i came up with ------>

Look at the patterns on each petal. It's like a bunch of little constellations ... or the reflections of really BIG constellations. A beautiful sight!

At this same time, I was reading through a chapter in A.W. Tozer's book "The Pursuit of God" titled "The Gaze of the Soul". The whole chapter explores the fact that we, as Christ-followers, should fix our gaze upon Christ, "the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). And when we do, our lives will be changed. The constant communion we will have with God by locking our inward sight on Him is the most incredible prize. There is remarkable power and life in this act.

The flowers almost seem to mirror the stars...therefore the name 'stargazer'. If we would gaze at Christ more often, we too will mirror the object of our sight...the glorious Son of the most high God. So let us become all times!

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