Friday, April 07, 2006

A week of rest

My family and I are coming to close on a week's vacation in Maryland. And what a restful week it has been! With how crazy busy our life has been since the inception of TrueNorth, and particularly since I went full-time with TNC in January, the peace has been welcomed...and needed.

I have had a chance to think a lot about my personal relationship with God, with Laurie, and with my boys. I've come to realize a few necessary relational practices:

1) A strong relationship needs time...and lots of it. We live in such a fast paced society that time often is wasted between work, phone, computer, TV, meetings, sports, etc. Time is the one resource we cannot get more or less of.

2) A strong relationship needs focused attention. To go with the fast paced lifestyle is a short attention span that keeps getting shorter. We have to practice focus. Focus on what is being said to you...from God, your spouse, your kids, your friends, etc.

3) A strong relationship needs communication. If we give time and focused attention to someone (or some-One), we'll be able to understand their thoughts and feelings and then give our input to what they have said. Sometimes that input is just to be silent. Sometimes it's to respond with action. Regardless, good communication is healthy for all relationships.

Please note the order I've listed these. Without time, we can't give focused attention. With attention, we can't communicate.

That's the most important thing I've learned this week.

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

i saw two music videos via yahoo! music france last week from 'le roi soleil', and there is one essential phrase in each one that i think can be applied to both your post & our spiritual lives: 'la vie passe, et je voudrais la passer avec toi' (life goes on, and i want to spend it with you), and 'j'ai fait de toi mon essentiel' (i have made you essential to me). even though these two songs talk about louis xiv in renaissance france, they can be relevant to our relationships with God.