Monday, August 21, 2006

The Party's Just Getting Started!!!

Wow! Yesterday was an amazing day at TrueNorth! We celebrated two years of joining God in His work. How awesome is it to be able to serve the Creator of the universe? Sometimes I don't completely grasp what a privilege and honor it is to be used by God on Sundays. He doesn't need me...but He wants to use me! How cool is that?

So the turnout was unbelieveable with 1217! That would be our third largest attendance to date. (We had close to 1700 at Easter '06 and then somewhere over 1300 for a Dunk'd service in the spring '06.) Please "hear me this morning" (Stevie D original right there baby!): when I mention numbers, it's not pointing praise to us as TrueNorth. No, it's all about pointing the praise to God, who has grown this church beyond our wildest dreams. We were talking today in staff about how many times we have to adjust what we are doing on the fly because God has sent waves of growth our way.

The coolest parts of the service were these:

1) knowing that 180 TrueNorthers participated in the celebration by voting for their favorite songs. That was cool!

2) The video testimonies were incredibly powerful. Jay and Laura Knotts were in one part and what they had to say hit me hard. They are some amazing friends to us and we been a small part of their to hear them say that TrueNorth has provided healing and freedom for them, I had to fight back tears. It's a beautiful thing when God's people do what we are designed to do: love God and love each other.

I could talk about so much more, but I'll spare you the long-winded-ness.

Happy Birthday TNC!

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

thanks so much for this post! i'd love to sit down for coffee and talk more about this. i'm feeling it, too, & it makes me excited to think about how God has orchestrated my life to point me to opportunities to serve him. the thing i love the most about tnc is that people are working to serve our Father, not bring glory to an earthly institution.