Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Deep calls to deep

There's a David Crowder song called "My Hope" where he uses the lyric "deep calls to deep." It's a reference to a verse in Psalm 42...Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls. The first time I read that I quickly wondered what that meant. I knew it had something to do with my relationship to God, but what? And then I read this yesterday in Tozer's book:

"...we know Christ only as the Spirit enables us. How thankful we should be to discover that it is God's desire to lead every willing heart into depths and heights of divine knowledge and communion." (Whatever Happened to Worship, A.W. Tozer)

After reading this, it hit me. God pursues us...He calls us as deep calls to deep...His heart is calling to our hearts. It is a matter of the heart! But we must be willing to be lead into the depths and heights of God.

Oh, that I would be willing, knowing that "God desires to take us deeper into Himself." (Whatever Happened to Worship, A.W. Tozer)

Let me see the depths of You, o God of the universe!

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