Monday, July 24, 2006

Tozer Chapter 2

So I'm trucking along in my read of A.W. Tozer's book Whatever Happened to Worship? Just a 411 on me...I am a S---L---O---W reader. I think my biggest problem is that I get easily distracted. It's probably this ADD epidemic going through our church.

Anywho, I finished chapter 2 and the points I'm taking to heart are:

-Worship must be a constant state of mind.
-We can only go as deep into God as we are willing to go and...
-Once we are willing, the Spirit will be our guide.
-The living God has been willing to reveal Himself to our seeking hearts.
-God loves us for ourselves. He values our love more than He values galaxies of new created worlds. He remembers our frame and knows that we are dust.
-We please Him most by throwing ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections and believing that he understands everything---and loves us still.
-Fear of God is not intimidation, but extreme awe and reverence brought on by the Presence of God.

It still constantly amazes me that God is pursuing my heart and wants to take me deeper into His. Amazing!


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