Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Day 3: Responding with emotion

Yesterday we looked at how worship starts with God. We can't worship God without God first revealing Himself and His glory to us. So then what? Just like with any thing in life, you feel emotion inside before you do anything else. When your child takes their first steps, you are overcome with pride on the inside before you congratulate them with hugs and kisses. When someone you love gives you something that you've wanted for a long time, you feel love well up inside you. These are just two examples of a wide range of human emotion. My point is that, before you respond to anything externally, you have to respond to internally.

Here's what I'm trying to say...emotion is a very important part of being human. God made us to be emotional creatures. How we respond to God's revelation is very much emotional. I know there has been a school of thought for years that you must remove all emotion in your relationship with God. I say that is tragic! How would a marriage be without feeling love? How would a celebration be without feeling joy? It's the same thing in our relationships with God. If we remove our emotions and approach it purely intellectually, we risk exchanging the life-changing power of God for a bunch of facts...

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